Tuesday, 30 April 2013

School holidays...

Well, it is school holidays and the familiar refrain is being heard..."Mum, I'm bored...what can I do?"
Well, this afternoon my eldest daughter and her friend decided to plan, prepare and serve a 3 course meal. That certainly kept them busy! And they did a fantastic job.

Garlic bread
Cheesy Pasta with Green salad
Chocolate Mousse with Rich Chocolate sauce

Of course, after that major effort, guess who got left with the cleaning up?? Oh well, it was a small price to pay for a lovely meal...thanks, girls!

Thursday, 25 April 2013

New addition

Let me introduce you to our newest addition to the family...Nugget!

She is an English Pointer X Hungarian Viszla...isn't she cute??!! She has certainly wormed her way into our hearts very quickly!!
I'm sure she will be featuring in many more posts in the future.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/7176367/?claim=mjadkj8pdfz">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

From garden to table...

Gosh, the pressure to start...and sound, well...interesting? witty? informative?...

Then I remember...this blog is for ME and I just want to record my thoughts/accomplishments and general 'going-ons which probably AREN'T going to sound very interesting/witty/informative but that is just the way it will be.

So, on that note...here is my first ever blog entry! Woohoo...

From this...

to this...

This is one of the things I love about where we live now - we can produce our own food (well, some of it, anyway!)
A few months ago we planted a few pumpkin seeds and this is the end result...a delicious Spicy Thai Pumpkin Soup! The perfect lunch on a miserable, wet day. 


Welcome to my blog!

I've been wanting to start one for a while now and although my darling husband thinks I don't have enough time for it, I will give it a try. I don't intend to post daily (don't have THAT much going on in my life!) but really just want to keep a record of what I am up to during the year.

This blog will mostly be about my interests (snail  mail, gardening, crafting and cooking) and will have no rhyme nor reason to it but I hope you will enjoy the ride...here we go!