Friday, 22 June 2018

Changing the outlook

So, we have been thinking we needed to trim or remove some of the trees at the front of our section; they were pretty mature and with recent strong winds we got a bit nervous about the possible destruction they could cause if they came down unexpectedly!
Jeff's answer was to remove them all and I didn't want to remove any so a compromise was reached-removal of a couple and a major trim of the rest...perfect!
We got a local tree trimming/removal service in to get the work done and it was incredible to watch them work. Three guys shimmied up trees, had branches falling with precision, and kept the area as clean and tidy as they could whilst doing the job. They cut up bigger branches for firewood for us and mulched the rest. We couldn't fault the job they did and it was all done and dusted within 3-4 hours. And we had HUGE piles of mulch to use in all our other gardens-yay.
It was a little bit sad to see the trees being removed but I told myself it was better than having limbs torn off in a storm or our house being damaged if one fell completely! I took lots of photos to remember what they look like as I really enjoy my "woodland garden" and knew it would be changed completely by this work being done.

Finally, the largest tree was gone...ok, so it's not too bad so far...

"Let's just have a little bit more of a tidy up" says my husband (who wanted them ALL gone!!) ...umm, yeah ok, a LITTLE bit...

Wow, ok...that is a bit more of a 'little tidy up" than I was thinking! But, to be honest, I do have to admit it looks great. It has really opened up our view and let a lot more light in (great in winter). And there will be new growth on one of the trees over the next few years that will fill in the gap a bit. But overall, I am so happy we went ahead and did it after talking about it for so long. Now to start planning all the plants I can put in there in spring!  :) 

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