Saturday, 29 June 2013

Player of the Day!

Woohoo...we have a soccer star in the making!! Last week Briar was named "Player of the Day" by her coach-great excitement! She really is giving it her all every game she plays and is really enjoying the games. They have played  4 games now and have an even record of 2 wins and 2 losses. Amazingly they have only played one game in the rain; all other games have been played in lovely sunshine albeit with cold temperatures! Hey, it IS winter after all. Keep up the good work, Briar-we are very proud of our soccer star!

Her soccer coach is amazing-she makes up this award every week and the player receives a certificate and a gift bag which includes a can of drink, a McDonalds voucher and lollies! The perfect reward for any soccer star!

1 comment:

  1. Arthur and I are so proud of you Briar! We wish we could have seen you play. Good luck for next week's game!
